PyQt5 Getting Started
Recently I start to evaluate the feasibility of porting one old C++ Qt4 project to PyQt5 since Python is more friendly for some engineers.
Recently I start to evaluate the feasibility of porting one old C++ Qt4 project to PyQt5 since Python is more friendly for some engineers.
Algorithm Puzzles everyday every week sometimes: Roman to Integer
Algorithm Puzzles everyday every week sometimes: Integer to Roman
Algorithm Puzzles everyday every week sometimes: Container With Most Water
每天 每周 偶尔一道算法题: 正则表达式匹配
Brief notes about bring up rtl8811 and wlan0 on STM32MP1
Website is currently under maintenance since some new features I have enabled recently might cause some performance issues(i.e. loading too slow)…
Using configs we can easily set up usb gadget in user space. You even can make your board as a compound USB device, just by few commands.
I have got used to create patch and bbappend files manually, now I’m switching to use devtool - To be honest it’s quite easy to use.