Coding Spirit


User might expiring SDP failure on non-Qualcomm/SAMSUNG chip Android devices when received SDP from another peer that only support H.264. This was caused by a limitation of Android WebRTC SDK that it will check H.264 capabilities via a chip whitelist, which only has Qualcomm and Exynos listed. To make it available for other Android devices, we need to modify and recompile WebRTC Android SDK.

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Using some RTOS built-in mbedTLS to connect to AWS IoT Core might fail due to MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_INVALID_RECORD(-0x7200 or -29184) during ssl handshake. There are several possible causes:

  • The task stack set for mbedTLS running is not enough. Increase task stack and try again.
  • MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_CONTENT_LEN is not enough. Increase MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_CONTENT_LEN to 16384 and try again.